Men’s Golf

Club Captain 2017 Mr. Larry Bane
It is a great honour for us to serve as Captains in Tuam Golf Club for 2017 and we are looking forward to a successful year ahead. The facilities available at our golf club are one of the best in our vicinity and we are extremely fortunate to have great practice area facilities, a resident golf PRO with an excellent golf shop along with bar and restaurant. The facilities alone though do not make a golf club, and what makes Tuam Golf Club a great one is the spirit and comradery among its members. Team spirit through the many volunteers that run our club is one of our strongest assets and one that continues to develop and grow stronger each year.
Our hope for 2017 is to see membership continue to grow and we encourage all members to try and introduce people to the club. Our aim is to make the year an enjoyable one for all members and to ensure an inclusive approach to golf and social events. We also wish all the teams the very best of luck and with the experience and skill of our golfers in both the mens and ladies sections we cannot be too far away from achieving a national title.
A final word of thanks to all of our sponsors who give generously year after year and we ask you, our members to support their businesses in return.
Wishing all our members a year of good health & good golf.
Larry Bane & Sandra Mooney